Join Us In FSN Life!

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming part of our worldwide farming family! We look forward to having you with us, and prior to that, we just want to get a few formalities out of the way! In order to provide the persistent, multipl-server experience that we have created at FSN, we have to have the community as a whole help contribute to keep that going. The generosity of our community is what continues to propel us forward each month, and help us grow bigger and better than ever! We understand everyone's ability to donate is different and can vary on many factors. We simply ask that if you enjoy FSN, you help contribute to make it continue to grow and thrive. We have a goal bar on the front page and on the homepage of your login area!

Remember you need to join our discord and wait for a staff member to speak with you to finalize your admission!

Note: Registrations can take up to 72 hours to be approved. Many times it is much sooner, but hang tight! Also note, that FSN Life launches August 1st. Your membership will remain active 30 days from launch, as this is considered a pre-launch signup!

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